Toefl Structure and Written Expression Tips

The Structure and Written Expression section contains sentences that test your knowledge of important structural and grammatical elements of standard written English. These sentences include a variety of topics and give no particular advantage to individuals in any specific field of study.

  1. When topics have a national context, they refer to the United States or Canadian history, culture, art, or literature. However, you do not need to have a prior knowledge of these contexts to answer the structural or grammatical points being tested.
  2. Brush up on your English grammar for this part of the test. You will have 25 minutes    to complete 40 questions.
  3. Spend enough time in TOEFL preparation so that you know where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Having this kind of understanding can help you decide where to focus your energies as you prepare for the test. If you will be taking the Paper-based Test (PBT), work through some practice tests and then concentrate your TOEFL preparation on any weak areas. Take time to review your strong areas, but invest your time to build up your weaknesses.
  4. Practice makes permanence! If you set aside time in a quiet place to take some practice exams, you’ll be ready for the rigors of sitting in a chair and focusing on the TOEFL test material. The PBT is a 3-and-a-half hour test, and the iBT takes about 4-and-a-half hours. It’s a good idea to dress in layers and bring a sweater or sweatshirt because the temperature in the testing room may be warmer or colder than you anticipated. You want to be able to show everything you know on the test. English-language tests can be hard enough on their own—you don’t need to be dealing with hot or cold temperatures during the test too.
  5. Each of the test sections has a time limit, and you want to make the most of the time you are given. Use a portion of your preparation to become familiar with the directions for each section and how the questions are set up. Then you can use all you time in answering the questions instead of reviewing the directions.

Source :


LCD dengan I2C Module untuk Arduino


Inter Integrated Circuit atau sering disebut I2C adalah standar komunikasi serial dua arah menggunakan dua saluran yang didisain khusus untuk mengirim maupun menerima data. Sistem I2C terdiri dari saluran SCL (Serial Clock) dan SDA (Serial Data) yang membawa informasi data antara I2C dengan pengontrolnya. Piranti yang dihubungkan dengan sistem I2C Bus dapat dioperasikan sebagai Master dan Slave. Master adalah piranti yang memulai transfer data pada I2C Bus dengan membentuk sinyal Start, mengakhiri transfer data dengan membentuk sinyal Stop, dan membangkitkan sinyal clock. Slave adalah piranti yang dialamati master.


LCD (Liquid Cristal Display) adalah salah satu jenis display elektronik yang dibuat dengan teknologi CMOS logic yang bekerja dengan tidak menghasilkan cahaya tetapi memantulkan cahaya yang ada di sekelilingnya terhadap front-lit atau mentransmisikan cahaya dari back-lit. LCD (Liquid Cristal Display) berfungsi sebagai penampil data baik dalam bentuk karakter, huruf, angka ataupun grafik.


LCD adalah lapisan dari campuran organik antara lapisan kaca bening dengan elektroda transparan indium oksida dalam bentuk tampilan seven-segment dan lapisan elektroda pada kaca belakang. Ketika elektroda diaktifkan dengan medan listrik (tegangan), molekul organik yang panjang dan silindris menyesuaikan diri dengan elektroda dari segmen. Lapisan sandwich memiliki polarizer cahaya vertikal depan dan polarizer cahaya horisontal belakang yang diikuti dengan lapisan reflektor. Cahaya yang dipantulkan tidak dapat melewati molekul-molekul yang telah menyesuaikan diri dan segmen yang diaktifkan terlihat menjadi gelap dan membentuk karakter data yang ingin ditampilkan.

Untuk menghubungkanya dengan Arduino diperlukan modifikasi Library dari yang diberikan Arduino IDE .

Library dapat di download Disini

Cara memnggunakan I2C Module ini adalah dengan menempelkan I2C module ke LCD Module .


Setelah itu Hubungkan :

GND – GND Arduino

VCC – VCC Arduino

SCL – A5 Arduino

SDA – A4 Arduino

Setelah itu lakukan Test dengan mengupload program yang terdapat pada Library .

Caranya buka Arduino IDE masuk Ke File – Examples – NewLiquidCrystal-HelloWordI2C

Compile dan Upload Program .


Sumber :

Mengenal Komunikasi I2C(Inter Integrated Circuit)

RTC Module


RTC Module atau Real Time Clock module adalah module yang biasa dipakai pada microcontroller atau mini PC untuk menunjukan waktu . Modul ini bisa dipakai untuk menunjukan waktu pada interface ataupun pada Data Logger .


RTC module yang banyak digunakan adalah jenis DS1307 . Modul ini dapat menunjukan Tahun , bulan , hari , jam , menit dan detik . Modul ini menggunakan baterai coin yang dapat bertahan selama 9 tahun yang membuat waktu pada modul tetap berjalan meski tanpa suplai daya dari microcontroller.

Berikut adalah contoh penggunaan Modul ini Pada Intel Galileo yang digunakan dalam sistem data logger (Sistem Pemantau Tanaman dengan Data Logger dan Intel Galileo)

Hasil dari penggunaan RTC Modul sebagai penunjuk waktu


sumber :



Sistem Pemantau Tanaman dengan Data Logger dan Intel Galileo

Data Logger adalah sebuah perangkat yang daapt berfungsi sebagai perekam data dan menyimpanya pada suatu media tertentu .

Pada kesempatan kali ini , akan dibuat suatu Sistem Pemantau kondisi lingkungan tanam tanaman dengan data logger menggunakan Sensor DHT22 dan Soil Moisture Sensor . Data yang didapatkan Sensor akan direkam di simpan pada media Kartu Memori Micro SD  .

Pertama , Siapkan Alat Alat yang dibutuhkan

  1. Intel Galileo / Arduino Uno
  2. RTC DS1307 atau Modul Real Time Clock
  3. Sensor DHT22
  4. IC 74hc125 (Tidak perlu jika menggunakan Arduino Uno)
  5. Resistor 10k
  6. Soil Moisture Sensor
  7. Micro SD

Buat Rangkain Elektronik sebagai berikut :

Untitled Sketch_bb.png


Setelah itu buat program yang akan membaca data sensor dan melakukan data logging.

Sebelumnya Import Library RTC Module dan DHT 22  untuk DHT 22 bisa dilihat Sensor DHT berjalan Pada Intel Galileo

untuk RTC Library bisa didapatkan disini

Setelah Semua library dimasukan saatnya membuat program :


#include <SD.h>
#include <RTClib.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#include <Wire.h>

RTC_DS1307 rtc;
char daysOfTheWeek[7][12] = {“Minggu”, “Senin”, “Selasa”, “Rabu”, “Kamis”, “Jumat”, “Sabtu”};

#define DHTIN 2
#define DHTOUT 3
#define DHTTYPE DHT22

long log_time_ms = 5000;
long prev_log_time = 0;

const int chipSelect = 4;
const int Soil = A0;

void setup() {

if (! rtc.begin()) {
Serial.println(“Couldn’t find RTC”);
while (1);

if (! rtc.isrunning()) {
Serial.println(“RTC is NOT running!”);
rtc.adjust(DateTime(2016, 6, 3, 11, 9, 0)); // Tanggal saat program diupload

if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
Serial.println(“Card failed, or not present”);
Serial.println(“card initialized.”);


void loop() {

unsigned long current_time;
current_time = millis();
DateTime now =;
//program baca sensor

float t = dht.readTemperature();
float h = dht.readHumidity();
float m = analogRead(Soil);
m = m / 10 ;
if ((current_time – prev_log_time) > log_time_ms) {
prev_log_time = current_time;
File dataFile =“datalog.txt”, FILE_WRITE);
if (dataFile) {
dataFile.print(now.year(), DEC);
dataFile.print(now.month(), DEC);
dataFile.print(, DEC);
dataFile.print(” (“);
dataFile.print(“) “);
dataFile.print(now.hour(), DEC);
dataFile.print(now.minute(), DEC);
dataFile.print(now.second(), DEC);
dataFile.print(”  Temperatur : “);
dataFile.print(” C”);
dataFile.print(”  Humidity : “);
dataFile.print(” %”);
dataFile.print(”  Soil Moisture : “);
dataFile.println(” %”);

setelah itu upload program dan hasilnya akan seperti ini


Selamat Mencoba !






Sensor DHT berjalan Pada Intel Galileo


Sensor DHT merupakan sensor Suhu dan Kelembaban, sensor ini memiliki keluaran sinyal digital yang dikalibrasi dengan sensor suhu dan kelembaban yang kompleks. Teknologi ini memastikan keandalan tinggi dan sangat baik stabilitasnya dalam jangka panjang. mikrokontroler terhubung pada kinerja tinggi sebesar 8 bit. Sensor ini termasuk elemen resistif dan perangkat pengukur suhu NTC. Memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik, respon cepat, kemampuan anti-gangguan dan keuntungan biaya tinggi kinerja.

Setiap sensor DHT memiliki fitur kalibrasi sangat akurat dari kelembaban ruang kalibrasi. Koefisien kalibrasi yang disimpan dalam memori program OTP, sensor internal mendeteksi sinyal dalam proses, kita harus menyebutnya koefisien kalibrasi. Sistem antarmuka tunggal-kabel serial terintegrasi untuk menjadi cepat dan mudah. Kecil ukuran, daya rendah, sinyal transmisi jarak hingga 20 meter, sehingga berbagai aplikasi dan bahkan aplikasi yang paling menuntut. Produk ini 4-pin pin baris paket tunggal.

 Sensor ini cukup mudah digunakan karena pemrograman yang tidak sulit dn ketersediaan library yang sudah diberikan oleh Arduino dan para pengembang .

 Namun jika kalian mencoba untuk menggunakan Mini PC Intel Galileo sebagai controller ini , kalian akan mendapatkan error saat pemrograman dan error saat sensor ini membaca kondisi lingkungan . Mengapa ini terjadi ?

Hal ini terjadi karena Intel Galileo tidak bisa menjalankan one-wire device seperti sensor DHT11 dan DHT22. Ini karena penggunaan one-wire device memakan waktu lama dalam melakukan transisi pin karena Intel Galileo menggunkan GPIO Extender yang terhubung dengan port I2C.

            Lalu bagaimana Sensor DHT dapat berjalan Pada Intel Galileo ?

Solusinya adalah membuat one-wire device menjadi two-wire device . caranya adalah dengan membuat two-wire device intu menjadi 1 wire input dan 1 wire output dengan menambahkan Dioda dan Resistor untuk Sensor DHT 11 dan Menambahkan IC 74hc125 atau tri-state buffer dan resistor untuk Sensor DHT22 .

Berikut adalah cara menghubungkan Sensor DHT dengan Intel Galileo

  1. Sensor DHT22


2. Sensor DHT11


Setelah menghubungkan Intel Galileo dengan Sensor DHT , langkah selanjutnya adalah dengan memodifikasi library yang diberikan Arduino IDE agar sensor DHT dapat diprogram tanpa terjadi error dan menghasilkan output sesuai keinginan.

Langkah pertama :

Hapus Library DHT pada Arduino IDE (jika sudah ada)  dengan cara masuk ke direktori dari Arduino contohnya: C:\Users\NamaUser\Documents\Arduino\libraries dan Hapus Folder DHT library .

Langkah kedua :

Download Library baru yang sudah dimodifikasi



Tester Program

Tester Program

Langkah Ketiga :

Masukan library tersebut kedalam Arduino IDE dan lakukan compile pada program tester . jika sudah tidak ada error maka upload program kedalam Intel Galileo . SElanjutnya buka serial Monitor dan lihat hasilnya

Jika Berhasil Maka Tampilan Akan seperti berikut


Selamat Mencoba !

Sumber :

Intel Galileo


Mini PC Intel® Galileo Gen 2 adalah produk pertama Arduino, yang merupakan rangkaian papan pengembangan dan prototipe yang sudah bersertifikasi, berbasis arsitektur Intel® dan dirancang khusus untuk pembuat, pelajar, pengajar, dan penggiat elektronika swakriya.

Mini PC ini memiliki keunggulan diantaranya kemudahan dalam pemrograman yang bisa menggunakan Arduino IDE dan ini memudahkan bagi pengguna yang sebelumnya pernah menggunakan Arduino dalam proyek yang dikerjakan . Intel Galileo ini juga memiliki jumlah pin yang sama dengan arduino uno dan kompatibilitas dengan beberapa modul dan Shield yang bisa digunakan di arduino uno

Selain itu Mini PC ini juga sudah menggunakan Processor dibandingkan beberapa versi Arduino yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia . Hal ini membuat kinerja dari Intel Galileo ini menjadi lebih baik dibanding beberapa versi Arduino . Dari sisi Memori Intel Galileo ini juga lebih besar dibanding Arduino UNO (yang pernah digunakan ) ini memberikan keleluasaan bagi pengguna untuk melakukan pemrograman dan penggunaan sensor dan device .

Intel Galileo ini juga memiliki port Ethernet serta port Mini PCI-Express yang memudahkan pengguna jika ingin membuat Proyek yang terhubung dengan Internet atau IOT .


Skematik Intel Galileo Gen 2 Board

Berikut adalah Spesifikasi Intel Galileo Gen 2

  • Prosesor Intel® Quark™ SoC X1000, kompatibel dengan arsitektur set instruksi (ISA) prosesor Intel® Pentium® 32-bit, single-core, single-thread, yang beroperasi dengan kecepatan hingga 400 MHz.
  • Mendukung berbagai antarmuka I/O standar industri, seperti slot mini-PCI Express* berukuran penuh, port Ethernet 100 Mb, slot microSD*, port USB host, dan port USB client.
  • DDR3 256 MB, SRAM tertanam 512 kb, NOR Flash 8 MB, dan standar EEPROM 8 kb di papan, plus dukungan kartu microSD hingga 32 GB.
  • Kompatibilitas perangkat keras dan pin dengan beraneka ragam shield Arduino Uno R3.
  • Dapat diprogram melalui lingkungan pengembangan terpadu (IDE) Arduino yang dapat dijalankan pada sistem operasi host Microsoft Windows*, Mac OS*, dan Linux*.
  • Mendukung rilis Linux* Yocto 1.4 Poky*.
  • Header USB TTL UART 6-pin 3,3V menggantikan port konsol RS-232 jack 3,5 mm untuk debug Linux. Konektor 6-pin yang baru kompatibel dengan kabel serial FTDI* USB standar (TTL-232R-3V3) dan papan breakout USB-ke-Serial. 12 GPIO kini menjadi komponen bawaan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan dan kekuatan drive.
  • Pulse-width modulation (PWM) 12-bit untuk pengendalian servo yang lebih presisi dan respons yang lebih halus.
  • Konsol UART1 dapat dialihkan ke header Arduino dalam sketsa, sehingga dalam banyak kasus tidak perlu lagi ada soft-serial.
  • Kemampuan power-over-Ethernet (PoE) 12V (perlu pemasangan modul PoE).
  • Sistem pengatur daya diubah sehingga dapat menerima suplai daya 7V hingga 15V.
  • Kit Pengembang Intel® IoT untuk Intel® Galileo Gen 2 menambahkan dukungan C, C++, Python, dan Node.js/Javascript untuk pengembangan aplikasi Internet-of-Things dengan sensor yang terhubung.
  • Intel Galileo juga mendukung platform Wyliodrin* yang menyediakan lingkungan Pemrograman C, Python, Node.js, dan Visual dari browser yang terkoneksi dari jauh.
  • Selain Yocto Linux sumber terbuka, Intel Galileo Gen 2 juga mendukung VxWorks* (RTOS), dan kini Microsoft Windows* didukung langsung oleh Microsoft.

Sumber :

Tips For Reading Toefl Test

The TOEFL test has four sections—and each section can make you beyond frustrated.

But there is no need for frustration anymore!

We are going to give you the best TOEFL study tips to make sure you succeed (and keep your sanity).

If you are getting ready to take TOEFL, you are probably well aware that these four sections consist of Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. They all test your ability to communicate in English effectively.

The Reading section is the first section on the test. It involves reading a long passage (six paragraphs minimum) on a specific topic. The topics are often highly technical and are always written in an academic style (scary!).

The Reading section has a total of three or four passages like this, each of which is followed by its own set of twelve multiple choice questions. These questions may test vocabulary knowledge, general comprehension of the passage along with sentence- or word-specific comprehension. The ability to infer and summarize information presented in the text is also vital to the Reading portion.

Even though it sounds complex, I bet Reading is not the section you are most worried about, despite its difficulty. There are three other sections of the TOEFL to study for, after all. It is easy to be lured into a false sense of security when it comes to reading. All the information is right in front of you—you can go back to the passage, read it over and over again.

Listening and Speaking, on the other hand, sound much more intimidating. The Writing section sounds even scarier because you will have to take your ideas and put them down on paper. Make up an essay on the spot? Whaaat?

How hard can reading be?

Well, truth be told, the reading section of the TOEFL has some of the trickiest questions you will ever see on a test. You will not pass the section with flying colors (an outstanding score) if you do not prepare well for it.

The Reading section is worth just as many points as the other sections (30 points, to be exact). If you find yourself struggling with writing or listening, you should use Reading as an opportunity to score a very high grade and make your exam results even better.

Since the TOEFL Reading section is the first section of the exam, how you perform will set the rhythm for the rest of the test. If you are sweating and stressing out right at the very beginning, it will be difficult to regroup and refocus to do better on other sections.

Read for Speed: 5 TOEFL Reading Tips and Test-taking Strategies for Total Success

“Okay,” you may say, “I get it, I get it! Studying for the reading section of TOEFL is vital. But how does one do it?”

Glad you asked!

There are multiple study strategies and areas of improvement that you may consider to get a higher score on the reading section of the test.

  1. Improve Your Reading Speed

Time is of the essence when it comes to the TOEFL. In fact, all other things being equal, good timing and the ability to pace yourself can make or break your TOEFL score.

In other sections, time is specifically called out. For example, when you are speaking, you will have 15 seconds to prepare an answer and 45 seconds to record it. In the Listening section, you can only hear the dialogue when it is played out to you.

The Reading section is where a sense of time and pace will need to come from you and you alone. You need to judge how much time you have left to complete the readings and give your answers.

This is trickier than it seems, because you will be faced by not one difficult-to-understand text, but several (three or four).

The Reading section can have up to 56 questions for 3 or 4 passages, and the maximum time given for the section is 80 minutes. That means you will have only 5 minutes to read each text and about 1 minute to answer each question in the Reading section.

If you want to have more time to answer the questions, you will need read each passage in just 3 or 4 minutes—and you’re probably going to want to read each passage more than once. That’s tough!

To succeed, you’ll need start improving your reading speed.

Time yourself when you study for the test and note how long it takes you to go through a given passage. You will likely notice that you slow down when your level of comprehension drops down, and that’s normal! When you understand less, you need to slow down and read more carefully.

Everyone reads at a different pace. Your task is to make your reading pace slightly faster for the very specific test-taking situation, so you can switch gears and go into full-speed mode if you need to.

Apart from studying TOEFL-style academic passages, be sure to read other English language material as well. Read English literature, newspapers and magazines—reading a variety of English writing styles will help improve your reading speed.


  1. Work on Your Comprehension Speed

Once you have worked on your reading speed and are comfortable gulping down a complex English passage in less time (in under 4 minutes, to be precise), you are ready for the next step.

Now you need to teach yourself to remain calm and avoid stressing out when you encounter an unfamiliar word. The reading section will be full of challenging words you have not seen before. They put in challenging words that you probably do not know on purpose.

The reading section will ask you to deduce meaning and infer information from words you do not understand.

This is what the reading section is actually testing. Not your ability to memorize a thesaurus before the test, but your skill at dealing with vocabulary words that you do not know. Not knowing a word is not only normal, but it is expected from speakers of English as a foreign language.

When you stumble across a word you do not understand, your first reaction might be to check Google Translate or consult a dictionary. When these tools are not available, you may panic and get hung up on trying to understand the word, wasting time that is extremely valuable for you during the TOEFL.

Well, relax.

Force yourself to skip that unknown word and continue reading. Often, you will find that the meaning of the whole text is easy to understand, even if you did not understand a few words. Cool, right?

  1. Learn Specific Vocabulary

Even though you will encounter unknown words, developing a nice and wide vocabulary never hurt anyone. When you study for the Reading section of the TOEFL, whether you are at home or in class, go ahead and look up words you don’t understand!

Since you are practicing for the Reading section of the TOEFL, try to read every text completely without looking up any words. After you have read the whole text and tried to understand everything on your own, then you may look up words. This is very similar to the actual testing situation.

Make a list of unfamiliar words and translate them using an English-to-English dictionary. This is important! You must avoid the temptation to use a dictionary which translates words from English to your native language. Don’t give in!

The English-to-English dictionary will be very helpful to you. Not only will you read a clear English explanation for the word you do not understand, you will also familiarize yourself with synonyms (similar words) and antonyms (opposite words). Hint, hint! This is hugely useful and very much applicable to TOEFL.

Your vocabulary will grow and so will your confidence. By the time you get to your test day, you will have a much larger English vocabulary to help you out.

  1. Keep Moving

Timing is everything in TOEFL.

When it comes to the Reading section, remember that you will not have more than 4 minutes per passage, so do not get hung up on every passage. Try not to stop! Keep moving no matter what.

There are multiple passages on the test, and you are guaranteed to feel more comfortable with one or another. Some will seem harder and some will seem easier. Skim the passage, note key words in sentences, leave unfamiliar terms behind and keep in mind that TOEFL passages may contain words that even native speakers don’t typically know.

Keep in mind that the TOEFL is highly specific.

You may see a question like: “The word X on line Y is closest in meaning to…” with four choices of words following. Rest assured—most of the choices will sound similar or have very similar meanings, so you will need to read the text carefully to identify the correct answer.

  1. Use the Line Numbering

The TOEFL quirk of numbering every fifth line in the passage is meant to help you navigate to the words or sentences referred to in the questions. Practice locating specific lines by the numbers provided—you might be surprised by how much time you can actually waste looking for line 29 or 47!

That being said, when starting your actual TOEFL, take a deep breath and do not let the Reading section tire you out.

You have practiced and studied enough, and it is now time to demonstrate your excellent English reading skills!


Source :

Tips For TOEFL Listening Section Test

TOEFL iBT Listening section is delivered immediately after the Reading section. The Listening section of TOEFL iBT measures your ability to understand spoken English in academic settings. In TOEFL iBT the listening is done for 3 major purposes:

  1. Listening for basic comprehension.
    2. Listening for pragmatic understanding.
    3. To connect and combine ideas presented in multiple information sources.

Each part of the Listening section (2 or 3 parts) consists of 1 long conversation and two lectures. The test takers hear each lecture or conversation only once. Lectures and conversations are 3-5 minutes long. During the listening the time is not running. The allotted time of 10 minutes for each part is only for answering the questions.

Preparation Strategies

Listen to spoken English from multiple sources as much as possible. Listen to English spoken movies and English spoken TV channels, listen to the radio and as many other listening sources as you may find. It would be better if your passages are academic or close to what is in TOEFL iBT. The more you practice listening, the better listener you will become.

Listen for the main idea. It is usually found at the beginning of the listening passages, while the details are dispersed throughout the lecture. The main idea will give you understanding of what the conversation/lecture is about. Then you may listen for details.

Learn to find how the ideas are presented in the listening passage. Some of the main relations between ideas include cause/effect, compare/contrast, and steps in a process.

Learn to listen for signal words that indicate different part of the passage – introduction, major steps, examples, conclusions, etc.

Build your vocabulary. While listening, try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from context. It is very important since there is a big chance to come across words you don’t know at the real test. Then, you should guess their meaning. Write down every word you don’t know and include it in your wordlist. Try to memorize it and use it in your speaking and writing. Flashcards could be a great way to improve your vocabulary.

Listen to conversations or lectures with variety of accents. In TOEFL iBT Listening section there is a variety of accents and pronunciations. For this reason, you should practice listening to a people with different accents and pronunciation patterns.

Practice note-taking. Note-taking is allowed during all sections of TOEFL iBT. Effective note-taking may highly improve your performance. It is almost impossible to memorize all clues and details provided in the Listening section. Moreover, you can hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Therefore, to answer the questions you have to rely on what you remember from the passage and your notes. See also our Effective Note-Taking Strategies.

Summarize in writing what you have heard, using your notes. Thus, you will learn to find the purpose and main idea of the listening, and also the most important details. You will also learn to take and use notes. It also helps in improving your writing skills.

Familiarize yourself with the type of questions in TOEFL iBT. Make sure that during the preparation you learn what answers are required by the different types of question. Some questions may ask you to provide two answers, others to click in a chart box. If you are familiar with the question types, you may save important time.

Here are five tips to help you be ready for the Listening section:

  1. Take notes while you listen. Only the major points will be tested, so do not try to write down every detail. After testing, notes are collected and shredded before you leave the test center.
  2. Pay attention to the speaker’s tone of voice. For instance, whether the speaker sounds excited, sad or confused can help you answer questions that are about the speaker’s attitude or opinion.
  3. When listening to a lecture, make note of the way the lecture is organized and the way the ideas in the lecture are connected. Referring back to your notes will help you answer questions about overall organization.
  4. If you are unsure of the correct response, try to figure out which choice is most consistent with the main idea of the conversation or lecture.
  5. Listening questions must be answered in order. Once you click on OK, you cannot go back to a previous question.

Don’t forget to continue to build your English skills by listening to movies, TV and the radio in English. Doing this regularly will have a great impact.

At the exam strategies

Forget about the Reading section. Now it is time to fully concentrate on the Listening section.

The clock is ticking only when you are answering the questions and not when you are listening to the passages. So, when you listen, forget about the clock.

Prepare for note-taking. Before the section starts, write down the words ‘main idea’, ‘major points’, and ‘important details’. Under which word you will place your notes from the listening passage.

Do not be distracted by the speaker’s accent, speaking style and delivery. Focus on the content and flow of information the speaker(s) deliver.

Listen to find clues that will help you understand what the speaker’s purpose, attitude and degree of certainty is. Listen for words that show relationship between ideas.

Pay attention to the visual materials. Some of the visual materials in the Listening section bring important information. Blackboards show important words or phrases that are discussed during the lecture. Illustrations and graphics support the information presented in the lecture. They are available only when the lecturer refers to them.

Answering is different. In the Listening section you may not return to the previous questions to correct your answers. Nevertheless, you have to confirm twice that you want to move to the next question. First, when you provide your answer you have to press the NEXT button. After pressing the NEXT button you may alter you answer. To move to the next question you have to press OK button. Sometimes test takers forget this and lose important time. Please, set your mind that you have to press two buttons.

Take a guess. There is no penalty for an incorrect answer in TOEFL iBT. It doesn’t bring any points. If you see you are running out of time, just take a guess and mark answers for all remaining questions. There is 25 % chance to guess the right answer.


Source :


The Test Of English as a Foreign Language (or TOEFL , pronounced “toe-full”) evaluates the potential success of an individual to use and understand standard American English at a college level. It is required for non-native applicants at many US and other English-speaking colleges and universities. The TOEFL is the product of the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which is contracted by the private, non-profit firm, the College Board to administer the test in institutions in the US; they also produce the SAT.


The basics of the TOEFL test:
The TOEFL test measures your ability to use and understand the English language as it’s read, written, heard and spoken in the university classroom. As the most accepted English-language test in the world, more than 8,500 universities, agencies, and other institutions in more than 130 countries accept the TOEFL test as part of their admissions criteria, including nearly every college and university in Australia and the UK.

The test, often referred to as the TOEFL iBT test, is administered at more than 4,500 test sites around the world. A paper-based version of the test is available in areas where TOEFL iBT testing is not possible.

In order for the TOEFL iBT to measure how well you read, listen, speak and write in English, and how well you use these skills together, you’ll be asked to integrate these skills for the test. For example, you may read a passage or listen to a lecture, and then write or speak about what you learned.

The computer-based TOEFL test has four sections.

Listening — Measures ability to understand English as it is spoken in North America.

Structure — Measures ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English.

Reading — Measures ability to read and understand short passages similar in topic and style to those that students are likely to encounter in North American universities and colleges.

Writing — Measures ability to write in English on an assigned topic. In this section, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to write in English. This includes the ability to generate and organize ideas, to support those ideas with examples or evidence, and to compose in standard written English in response to an assigned topic.

Purpose of the TOEFL Test

The purpose of the TOEFL test is to evaluate the English proficiency of people who are non-native English speakers. In addition, international companies, government agencies, scholarship programs, and recruitment agencies use TOEFL scores to evaluate English proficiency.

IBT: The TOEFL test on computer combines many of the same question types as the traditional paper-based test with new question types that can be offered only in the computer format. This is an easy-to-use testing system for even the most basic computer users.


The score range on the TOEFL iBT Test is: 0-120. In other words, the highest possible total score is 120 points.

This breaks down in each section as a scaled score:

Listening: 0-30, Time: 60-90 minutes
Speaking: 0-30, Time: 20 minutes
Reading: 0-30, Time: 60-100 minutes
Writing: 0-30, Time: 50 minutes

There is no individual section that tests your grammar / sentence structure on the TOEFL iBT test, although grammar / structure is evaluated in your speaking and writing responses. Feedback on your performance for each language skill is provided on the test report

TOEFL Example Reading Question

Deep in the Sierra Nevada, the famous General Grant giant sequoia tree is suffering its loss of stature in silence. What once was the world’s No. 2 biggest tree has been supplanted thanks to the most comprehensive measurements taken of the largest living things on Earth.

The new No. 2 is The President, a 54,000-cubic-foot gargantuan not far from the Grant in Sequoia National Park. After 3,240 years, the giant sequoia still is growing wider at a consistent rate, which may be what most surprised the scientists examining how the sequoias and coastal redwoods will be affected by climate change and whether these trees have a role to play in combating it.

“I consider it to be the greatest tree in all of the mountains of the world,” said Stephen Sillett, a redwood researcher whose team from Humboldt State University is seeking to mathematically assess the potential of California’s iconic trees to absorb planet-warming carbon dioxide.

The researchers are a part of the 10-year Redwoods and Climate Change Initiative funded by the Save the Redwoods League in San Francisco. The measurements of The President, reported in the current National Geographic, dispelled the previous notion that the big trees grow more slowly in old age.

It means, the experts say, the amount of carbon dioxide they absorb during photosynthesis continues to increase over their lifetimes.

In addition to painstaking measurements of every branch and twig, the team took 15 half-centimeter-wide core samples of The President to determine its growth rate, which they learned was stunted in the abnormally cold year of 1580 when temperatures in the Sierra hovered near freezing even in the summer and the trees remained dormant.

But that was an anomaly, Sillett said. The President adds about one cubic meter of wood a year during its short six-month growing season, making it one of the fastest-growing trees in the world. Its 2 billion leaves are thought to be the most of any tree on the planet, which would also make it one of the most efficient at transforming carbon dioxide into nourishing sugars during photosynthesis.

“We’re not going to save the world with any one strategy, but part of the value of these great trees is this contribution and we’re trying to get a handle on the math behind that,” Sillett said.

After the equivalent of 32 working days dangling from ropes in The President, Sillett’s team is closer to having a mathematical equation to determine its carbon conversion potential, as it has done with some less famous coastal redwoods. The team has analyzed a representative sample that can be used to model the capacity of the state’s signature trees.

More immediately, however, the new measurements could lead to a changing of the guard in the land of giant sequoias. The park would have to update signs and brochures – and someone is going to have to correct the Wikipedia entry for “List of largest giant sequoias,” which still has The President at No. 3.

Now at 93 feet in circumference and with 45,000 cubic feet of trunk volume and another 9,000 cubic feet in its branches, the tree named for President Warren G. Harding is about 15 percent larger than Grant, also known as America’s Christmas Tree. Sliced into one-foot by one-foot cubes, The President would cover a football field.

Giant sequoias grow so big and for so long because their wood is resistant to the pests and disease that dwarf the lifespan of other trees, and their thick bark makes them impervious to fast-moving fire.

It’s that resiliency that makes sequoias and their taller coastal redwood cousin worthy of intensive protections – and even candidates for cultivation to pull carbon from an increasingly warming atmosphere, Sillett said. Unlike white firs, which easily die and decay to send decomposing carbon back into the air, rot-resistant redwoods stay solid for hundreds of years after they fall.

Though sequoias are native to California, early settlers traveled with seedlings back to the British Isles and New Zealand, where a 15-foot diameter sequoia that is the world’s biggest planted tree took root in 1850. Part of Sillett’s studies involves modeling the potential growth rate of cultivated sequoia forests to determine over time how much carbon sequestering might increase.

All of that led him to a spot 7,000 feet high in the Sierra and to The President, which he calls “the ultimate example of a giant sequoia.” Compared to the other giants whose silhouettes are bedraggled by lightning strikes, The President’s crown is large with burly branches that are themselves as large as tree trunks.

The world’s biggest tree is still the nearby General Sherman with about 2,000 cubic feet more volume than the President, but to Sillett it’s not a contest.

“They’re all superlative in their own way,” Sillett said.

  1. The word “supplanted” in paragraph 1
    A) inquisitive
    B) Has a double-meaning both as a pun on the topic of plants and a literal meaning of “to replace”
    C) Is a synonym for “to plant again”
    D) Has the same meaning as “to plant,” with extra emphasis

    2. One common myth about trees that The President helps disprove is
    A) That giant sequoias are more resilient than other tree species
    B) That old trees are as productive at photosynthesis as younger ones
    C) That only giant sequoias may be named after historical figures
    D) That large trees grow more slowly as they age

    3. What is the primary benefit that Sillett and other researchers suggest that giant sequoias may have?
    A) Their natural beauty can have health benefits for those who travel to wildlife preserves to see them
    B) They represent centuries of natural history that no other living things do
    C) Because of their size, they are able to process more carbon dioxide than other trees, which can have significant benefits for the atmosphere
    D) Their resilient bark may have eventual uses in human medicine.

    4. The giant sequoias are compared to white firs to demonstrate that?
    A) Even when the sequoias fall, they do not decay and so send less carbon into the air
    B) White firs are more plentiful because they grow and decay more quickly than sequoias
    C) The giant sequoias are completely resistant to death
    D) White firs are essential because when they decompose they emit necessary nutrients

    5. The President has grown every year EXCEPT
    A) 1850
    B) 2012
    C) 1580
    D) The President has grown every year of its life

    6. All of the following contribute to the lifespan of the giant sequoia EXCEPT
    A) They are resistant to diseases that can affect other tree species
    B) Their size makes them less vulnerable to animal attacks
    C) They are resistant to pests that commonly inhabit trees
    D) Their thick bark protects them from wildfires.

    7. The term “changing of the guard” in Paragraph 10 means
    A) The size rankings of various large sequoias is being reevaluated
    B) Human security will be employed to protect these valuable trees
    C) Wildlife parks will bring in new equipment to ensure the safety of the trees
    D) A new schedule of shifts will be made for studying the trees

    8. What does the term “cultivated sequoia forests” in Paragraph 14 imply?
    A) Current sequoia reserves will be altered to grow in particular patterns
    B) That sequoias may be specially grown in the future for the sole purpose of filtering carbon from the air
    C) New forests may be grown globally to promote the beauty of the species
    D) Wildlife parks will make more of an effort in the future to direct visitors to the sequoia forests

    9. Giant sequoias are native to California, but can also be found in
    A) New Zealand
    B) France
    C) South America
    D) Australia

    10. In the final sentence, the word “superlative” is closest in meaning to
    A) Best of a species
    B) Most beautiful
    C) The winner of a contest
    D) Having individual, unique merit




Source :


Aplication Letter , Inquiry Letter , Complain Letter and Purchase Order Letter

Application Letter

An application letter is a business document, part of the important correspondence between applicant and organization, firm or company, institution or various boards and committees that publish a vacancy. It is a paper frequently used in all levels of government, commerce, industry, and academia. Students planning to correspond in any undertaking require the understanding of the main points of a job application letter.

Writing a correct job application letter is a useful talent for anyone planning to enter an administrative role in any industry or profession. In order to write a job application letter in the most exact manner, the writer must understand that letters employers are familiar with nowadays were established gradually to become effectual, succinct and workable documents.

A good job application letter addresses all the points stated in the job advertisement. The manner in which a person responds to a commercial announcement alerts recruiters and employers to their capacity, their level of education, personality, and professionalism.

A standard, generic form for the letter of application is (1) to introduce yourself, (2) to state briefly what you want, what position you are applying for, (3) to state clearly why you are qualified for the position, (4) to elaborate as to your special assets, why you are particularly well suited for the job, (5) to highlight your most important training, experiences, skills and accomplishments, and (6) to end with a compelling statement as to why the employer ought to hire you.

Steps for Writing a Job Application Letter

The traditional format of a business letter applies to most job application letters. The layout is the first thing noticed: those who receive business letters such as covering letters for a job application expect them to be set out in a specific way.

If everything is set out appropriately, the employer or recruiter concentrates on the content and meaning.

If your arrangement on the sheet of paper seems incorrect, unusual or non-traditional, the prospective employer is distracted from the implicit message.

  1. Understand the format, and fill in the content according to that form.
  2. Make a list of all the information to go in the letter.
  3. Be brief, so the letter can fit onto a single page. Set out the text with wide margins. Position your address, the employer’s address, and the subject of the letter in the correct spaces. The subject must be centered at the top.
  4. Start by stating the reason for the letter.
  5. Contain the important parts in three paragraphs, to ensure the main points are clear,.
  6. Most job application letters have no letterhead, because they originate from an individual. So the message must be placed in the middle, underneath the applicant’s address on the right, between a greeting and a salutation.
  7. The greeting starts, “Dear [Name]”. Always address the employer by their formal name. It is “Dear Mr. Jones,” not “Dear Larry.”
  8. The salutation must be formal, such as “Yours faithfully,” or “Yours sincerely.”
  9. Type your full name in upper case below your legal signature.
  10. Job application letters are customarily formatted in block style, without indents, with all lines aligned left. Aligning all paragraphs to the left is more legible than full justification.









Example Application Letter

Carp Street.,
Bandung, West Java

April 17, 2015

Mr. Anwar Dharma
Hiring Manager
Bank Indonesia (BI)
Jl MH Tamrin , Jakarta Pusat.
Jakarta 10310

Dear Mr. Anwar,

I am writing to express my interest for the position of Recruitment Assistant in your esteemed company.

Having recently obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM) in Gunadarma University, I wish to bring my knowledge, skills and commitment to excellence to your company’s innovative environment.

As a Business Administration student, majoring in HR management, I’ve become equipped with the necessary knowledge that come with the position including manpower recruitment, workforce organization, personnel training and compensation as well as legal provisions and other labor concerns.

My internship at MandiriCorporation also afforded me with the crucial skills to work with some of the best professionals in the recruitment and human resources industry. Being a trainee has developed in me enthusiasm and a true passion for human resources and has subsequently convinced me that human resource management is my true calling.

For additional details regarding my qualification and expertise, please review my attached resume.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing from you.



Jefri Sudirman

Inquiry Letter

Be courteous. Remember, by making this request you are imposing on the reader’s time and/or resources.

Don’t send an inquiry letter for information you could easily find out by other means, such as with a quick search on the Internet.

Your letter can be fairly short, but it should be long enough to adequately explain what it is that you are inquiring about and what you want the reader to do in response to your letter.

Generally, give at least a couple of weeks for the person, company, or organization to respond to your inquiry before you send a follow-up letter or make a follow-up phone call.

If appropriate, you may want to mention that you will keep confidential any information provided. (This may increase the likelihood that the reader will respond to your inquiry.)

Make it as easy as possible for the person to respond to your request. This might mean offering to pay for any needed photocopies or mailing costs, or perhaps including a self-addressed, stamped envelope; necessary forms, questionnaires, or other documents; and so forth.

Make sure to include contact information so that the person can easily get in touch with you if necessary, such as your cell or home phone number or e-mail address.

When the person responds to your inquiry, it is a good idea to send a quick note of thanks expressing your appreciation and telling how the information helped (or can help) you. If appropriate, you may want to offer to return the favor in the future.

Like a grant proposal, the letter of inquiry should include the following sections:

The introduction serves as the executive summary for the letter of inquiry and includes the name of your organization, the amount needed or requested, and a description of the project. The qualifications of project staff, a brief description of evaluative methodology, and a timetable are also included here.

The organization description should be concise and focus on the ability of your organization to meet the stated need. Provide a very brief history and description of your current programs while demonstrating a direct connection between what is currently being done and what you wish to accomplish with the requested funding. You will flesh this section out in greater detail if you are invited to submit a full proposal.

The statement of need must convince the reader that there is an important need that can be met by your project. The statement of need includes: a description of the target population and geographical area, appropriate statistical data in abbreviated form, and several concrete examples.

The methodology should be appropriate to your statement of need and present a clear, logical, and achievable solution to the stated need. Describe the project briefly, including major activities, names and titles of key project staff, and your desired objectives. As with the organization description, this will be presented in far greater detail in a full proposal.

How to respond to an inquiry letter:

  • Specifically indicate the inquiry that was made, as you understand it.
  • Express your appreciation for the person’s interest.
  • If possible, personally respond to the inquiry. You might want to include with your response letter any brochures, catalogs, reports, or other helpful information available.
  • If appropriate, clearly describe any action you feel the person should take and the reason(s) for such a recommendation. (However, you may want to use caution because of any possible liability you might incur for offering such advice.)
  • If you cannot personally answer the person’s question, let him/her know that you have contacted the person who can and that he/she will shortly be in touch with the reader. If this is not possible, express your regret for being unable to help the reader, and try to find out for him/her the contact information for someone who can help.
  • If appropriate, you might want to include additional information about your organization, the products or services you sell, or the subject matter of the inquiry, beyond the scope of the original inquiry.
  • Close by saying that you would be happy to help the reader in the future if he/she needs further assistance or by wishing him/her well in his/her endeavor or project, etc.

Inquiry Letter Tips:

  • Begin your letter by stating who you are and giving your status or position (such as student, researcher, interested consumer, etc.), and tell how you found out about the individual or entity that you are writing to.
  • Clearly state what it is that you are inquiring about and what you would like the recipient of your letter to do. Make your inquiry as specific as possible.
  • You might want to briefly explain the purpose of your letter or what you hope to accomplish. Such an explanation may prompt the recipient of your letter to act more quickly.
  • If appropriate, consider mentioning the letter recipient’s qualifications for responding to your inquiry (this may prompt him/her to act when he/she might otherwise be hesitant to do so). For example, you could explain that you are writing to the reader because she is a leader in her field and the accepted authority on the subject you are interested in.
  • Include the date by which you need the information, services, etc., that you are requesting, and indicate that you await the reader’s response.
  • Thank the person for his/her time.



Example Inquiry Letters

The Sales Manager,
Melody Modes Ltd.,
Carrham, Upminster UE12.

Your Ref: KPS/C3, Our Ref: Con/13/1

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter of 12 January regarding our conference facilities for your sales convention in July this year.

I have pleasure in enclosing our current conference brochure and tariff. You will note that we offer a variety of venues inside the hotel itself, for groups of between 20 and 150 people, with a choice of catering facilities and with or without accommodation. This year we are also able to arrange functions in marquees in the hotel grounds, with a more limited range of catering, but again with or without hotel accommodation.

We have two lecture rooms, with audiovisual equipment – overhead projectors and video and DVD facilities – which might be of interest to you. There are also product display facilities within the hotel.

If you require all or some of your delegates to be accommodated in the hotel, I recommend early booking, as July is one of our peak months. We offer 4-star accommodation, every room with en suite facilities, minibar, television, personal safe, trouser press. We have two restaurants, four bars, a fully equipped gymnasium, and an indoor/outdoor swimming pool.

I look forward to hearing from you further, and I shall be happy to supply any additional information you might require; you will be very welcome to visit the hotel to see for yourself the facilities we offer.

Yours faithfully,

Hector Manning
General Manager






Complaint Letter

  • Include your name, address, and home and work phone numbers.
  • Type your letter if possible. If it is handwritten, make sure it is neat and easy to read.
  • Make your letter brief and to the point. Include all important facts about your purchase, including the date and place where you made the purchase and any information you can give about the product or service such as serial or model numbers or specific type of service.
  • State exactly what you want done about the problem and how long you are willing to wait to get it resolved. Be reasonable.
  • Include all documents regarding your problem. Be sure to send COPIES, not originals.
  • Avoid writing an angry, sarcastic, or threatening letter. The person reading your letter probably was not responsible for your problem but may be very helpful in resolving it.
  • Keep a copy of the letter for your records.

Example Complaint Letter

Braun Strowman
Sudirman Street
Jakarta , Indonesia
1 December 2015

Dear Manager


I am unhappy with the quality of a television cabinet I bought at 5 Street on 9 November 2015 and I am writing to seek a replacement.

The cabinet doors do not open and shut properly and the stain on the cabinet is uneven, with one half darker than the other. The cabinet was delivered on 15 November and I noticed this problem as soon as I unpacked it from the box.

The cabinet  is not of acceptable quality and does not match the sample cabinet I was shown in store. I would like you to replace it with one of the same quality and finish as the sample and arrange for return of the faulty cabinet at no cost.

I have attached a photocopy of my receipt as proof of purchase.

I would like to have this problem fixed quickly please. If I do not hear from you within 10 days, I will lodge a formal complaint with Consumer Affairs in my state.

You can contact me on 1234 5678 during working hours or after hours on 123 456 789 to discuss this matter further.

Yours sincerely,

Braun Strowman

Purchase Order Letter

As per the life cycle of a product an enquiry about it does not always end in a sale. Once a customer likes a product it results in a sale but only through a verbal order or a written one. A Purchase Order is the document that initiates the purchase and helps close the sale. In today’s times of multiple companiesavailable for all products, there is some amount of trust in the customer and even a verbal confirmation of an order is acceptable. But most of the times it is only against some advance.

A Purchase Order Letter is a document that confirms to the seller that the customer in a specified time frame requires a particular quantity of the product. Nowadays one company to the other confirming the order, which is generally a bulk order, writes Purchase Order Letters or it is written by an individual to a company again in the case of placing a bulk order.


  • A Purchase Order Letter should be written as soon as the decision for the purchase has been made
  • The company with whom the order is being placed should be given enough time to execute the order
  • The letter should clearly indicate the product code or item number, the size and the quantities being ordered
  • The date when the Purchase Order Letter is being generated is very important because that identifies when the order was placed
  • If the order is being placed by a company then it usually should be in a Purchase Order format
  • The Purchase Order Letter should also indicate the date by when the order is expected to be executed or delivered
  • The mode of delivery of the material should also be identified in the letter
  • The letter should also carry the mode of payment by which the payment will be made
  • If any advance has already been paid against the order, it must be mentioned in the Purchase Order Letter
  • The address where the order has to be delivered should be very clearly mentioned in the letter along with any landmarks, if any, to locate the address
  • The Purchase Order Letter should give the details of the costing of the price including taxes, etc so that there is no confusion while making the payment
  • The name of the company or dealer with which the order is being placed should be clearly written on the letter to avoid any miscommunication of details
  • There is no scope for any grammatical or punctuation errors in the Purchase Order Letter
  • The contents of the letter must be carefully read through to ensure that the order details have been correctly mentioned

Example Purchase Order Latters

Freddy Brown

Store Manager

Fuller Productions Industry

Rosewood Street
Bogor , Indonesia 16610

Dear Mr. Freddy

RE: Purchase Order for Products

On behalf of Rodeo Enterprise, I would like to place an order for the following products from your company. Please refer to the attachment for the order list.

The terms and conditions will be the same as per our previous orders; that is, cash on delivery. Please note the extra condition with this batch of order; that is, the products on the order list must be delivered within a month from the date of this order letter.

We are in an urgent rush for our annual year end production and we need these products within a month to meet our production target. If you miss our specified delivery target, there will be a penalty incurred on your pricing, as per our business collaboration contract which is effective until the end of 2013.

Thank you for your kind understanding and prompt service. Please feel free to contact me for further clarifications on this purchase order.

Yours Sincerely,

Robert Lewandowski

Purchasing Manager